Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Asthmatic State In Children

The asthmatic state is the attack of asthma, which lasts more than 6–10 hours and resistant to sympatomimetics and methylxantins. It is characterized by total bronchoobstruction on a background of refraction of b2-adrenoreceptors with progress of hypoxia, hypercapnia, decompensative acidosis, dehydration and development of acute cardiac insufficiency of a right-heart type. In the process of development of the asthmatic state three stages are selected: relative indemnification, decompensation and hypoxemic comma.

Diagnostic criteria of asthmatic status
1. Protracted attack of bronchial asthma, which is not cured during 6 hears
    and anymore.
2. Resistens to sympatomimetics.
3. Violation of drainage function of bronchial tubes.
4. Development hypoxemia -  РаО2  - 60 ml Hg, hypercarpnia - РаСО2 ­ 60 ml Hg.

 I stage of the asthmatic status (relative compensation). Forced sitting  position, leaning against hands, tachypnoe with the considerably prolonged inspiration, attack cough with much amount of viscid phlegm which is badly deleted. Skinis pale, cyanosys of lips, nasolips triangle, acro- or general cyanosys. A thorax is emphysematous, the excursion  is limited, above lungs percussion box sound. Plenty of the  distance wheezes in comparisone with little amount of  dry wheezes, the loosened breathing in lungs. The border of heart is not determined, are low, systolic murmur on an apex, tachycardia. A liver is enlarged, sickly. Arterial pressure is decreased.

                      Help on prehospital stage
1.    Do not use of symdatomimetics!
2.    To provide access of fresh air.
3.    To release from squeezing clothes.
4.    Oxygentherapy:  moistened air through a mask.
5.    2,4 % solution of Euphyllini in dose of a 5 mg/kg of  mass of intravenously streamly on a 15 –20 ml of isotonic  solution of sodium chloride.
6.    2 % solution of No-spani a 1 mg/кг mass on dose intramuscular.
7.    3 % solution of Prednisoloni 2-3 mg/kg of the masses (Hydrocortisonі 10-15 mg/kg) intramuscular or intravenously streamly.
8.    Urgent hospitalization.
Help on a hospital stage
1.    Do not use sympatomimetics!
2.    To provide access of fresh air.
3.    Oxygentherapy optimum 40 % by the moistened oxygen constantly.
4.    3 % solution of Prednisoloni in dose 2-3 mg/kg of  the mass intravenously streamly on a 5-10 ml of  isotonic  solution of sodium chloride.
5.    2 % solution of No-spani  1 mg/kg of  mass on dose intramuscular or intravenously streamly slowly.
6.    Solution of Corgliconi 0,06 % or Strophantini 0,05 % 0,1 ml per the year                        of life, but not more than 0,3-0,4 ml on a 5-10 ml isotonic  solution of sodium  chloride  intravenously streamly.
7.    Cocarboxylazae 50-100 mg, 5 % solution of sodium ascorbinati 2,0-5,0 ml, Panangini 0,5 ml per year of life of intravenously streamly in separate syringe .
8.    2,4 % solution of Euphyllini 7-10 mg/kg of  mass on a 200 ml of isotonic                    solution of sodium  chloride intravenously with a next continuous tranfusion on Euphyllinization by intravenously infusion of 2,4 % solution of Euphyllini at a speed of 0,7 mg/kg/hour on isotonic  solution of sodium  chloride, but not more than 24 mg/kg/day for the children upto 9 years and 20 mg/kg/day for children  senior than  9 years.
9.    Heparini 200-300 U/day on 4 intravenous stream injection every 6 hours.
10.          Reopoliglucini 150-200 ml intravenously in drops.
11.          In default of effect in 2 hours o repeate intravenous stream injection of                     Prednisolone 2-3 mg/kg of  the masses or Hydrocortisoni 10-15 mg/kg of  mass.
12.          Alkaline drink: mineral water, 1 % solution of soda, milk with a soda.                    Intravenous  injection of 4 % solution of sodium bicarbonatis only under the control of  acid – alkaline equilibrium indexes.
13.          Absence of effect after the repeated injection  of glucocorticoids testifies to transition of the asthmatic state in the ІІ stage.

Clinic of the ІІ stage of the asthmatic status (decompensations). Child in consciousness, excited or apathetical. General cyanosis of skin and mucus, a person is puffy, the veins of neck are swelling. Breathing is encreased, noisy with the prolonged inspiration and acute downing in of interribs intervals, supraclavicular and epigastrial areas, jugular pit with a limited excursion of thorax. Percussion: bandbox sound. Breathing is sharply loosened with single unsounding dry wheezes, in the lower areas of lungs breathing is not listened, syndrome of “mute lungs”. Таhycardia, pulse of the weak filling, unrhythmical. The tones of heart are not determined, tones are deaf. Arterial pressure is reduced. A liver is enlarged, sickly.
Help on prehospital stage
1.             To provide access of fresh air.
2.             Oxygentherapy:  moistened air through a mask.
3.             2,4 % solution of Euphyllini in dose of a 5 mg/kg of  mass intravenously
                    streamly on a 15-20 ml of  isotonic  solution of sodium  chloride.
4.             3 % solution of Prednisoloni in dose of a 3-5 mg/kg of  mass or
                   Hydrocortisoni 15-25 mg/kg of  mass intramuscular or intravenously
5.             Urgent hospitalization.

Help on  hospital stage
1.             To provide access of fresh air.
2.             Oxygentherapy: optimum 40 % of the moistened oxygen constantly
                     through a mask.
3.             3 % solution of Prednisoloni in dose of  3-5 mg/kg of  mass or
                   Hydrocortisoni  15-25 mg/kg of  mass of intravenously streamly with the
                   repeated introduction after 1,5-2 hours in default of effect.
4.             2 % solution of No-spani 1 mg/kg of mass in dose intramuscular or
                    intravenously streamly slowly.
5.             Solution of Corgliconi 0,06 % or Strophantini 0,05 % in dose 0,1 ml per
                     the year of life, but not more than 0,3-0,4 ml intravenously streamly on a
                     5-10 ml of  isotonic solution of sodium  chloride.
6.             Cocarboxylazae 50-100 mg, panangini 0,5 ml per year of life, 5 %
                    solution of  sodium  ascorbinati 2,0-5,0 ml intravenously streamly in
                    separate syringes.
7.             2,4 % solution of Euphyllini 7-10 mg/kg of mass on a 200 ml of isotonic
                    solution of sodium  chloride of intravenously in drops. If Euphyllini was
                   already entered at treatment of I stage of the asthmatic status, continue
                   Euphyllinization at a speed of 0,7 mg/kg/hour on isotonic solution of
                   sodium chloride 50 ml/ hour.
8.             Heparini 200-300 Units/kg/days, divided in 4 injections, every 6 hours
                      intravenously streamly.
9.             In default of effect after the repeated introduction of glucocorticoids
                    urgent intubation with bronchoscopy sanation and after that- artificial
10.        On artificial ventilation Euphyllinization must be continued, repeat
                    introductions of Prednisoloni every 1,5-2 hours in  dose of  6-10 mg/kg
                   of  mass.
11.        Mucolitic drugs endotrachially with the following lavagge of bronchial
                     tubes with bronchoscopy.
12.        Intravenously 4 % solution of sodium bycarbonatis only under the
                      control of indexes acid – alkaline equilibrium.
13.        Haemosorbtion, plazmopheresis.
It is not recommended to enter:
1.Antihistaminic drugs – Suprastini,Tavegili, Claritini.
2.Sedative drugs – Seduxeni, Sodium oxytirati , Aminasini.
3.Drugs with ephedrini – Solutani, Broncholitini.
4.Unselective b2- -adrenomimetics - Astmopent, Alupent, Izadrin.
5.Prolonged b2- -adrenomimetics – Salmeterol, Seretid.

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