Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Viral Croup Manifestation In Children With Respiratory Insufficiency

Acute narrowing of larynx, conditioned by the inflammatory edema of vocal cords and membranous space, hypersecretion of glands, viral etiology, that is accompanied by the hard breathing (croup).
Etiology: paraenfluenza I, ІІ type, flu I, rarely RS-, adenovirus infection.
Children are ill from 6 months till 3 years old.

It is acute widespread infection-inflammatory disease with the phenomena of stenosis. In most cases it arises up under action of different respiratory viruses, mainly paraenfluenza, more frequent in age from 6 months to 3 years.
The most common pathogens are influenza viruses (56.8%), second in frequency space occupied by parainfluenza viruses (20,1%), third - adenovirus (16,7%),  at 6.4% of patients with acute laryngotracheitis there is a manifestation of a mixed viral infection.
Mostly in the development of acute laryngotracheitis a bacterial process is joined and may change the clinical picture.
Laryngoscopic picture with stenosing laryngotracheitis is characterized by the formation of rollers under the vocal ligaments and the presence of mucous-purulent discharge in the tracheobronchial tree. Some authors, except edematous form of stenotic laryngotracheitis, allocate purulent, fibrinous, necrotic, and other forms. After the obstruction at the level of the larynx there is a violation of drainage function of tracheobronchial tree, resulting in the appearance of inflammation in the lower respiratory tract, including lung tissue.

Optical laryngoscope Airtraq

Stenosis is a result of mucus and submucous tissue edema of larynx below vocal ligaments, accumulation of mucus, reflex spasm of muscles.

Schematic stages of the introduction of a laryngoscope with the direct laryngoscopy and the corresponding laryngoscopic picture – the end of a laryngoscope blade presses the epiglottis to the root of the tongue: 1 - aryepiglottic cartilage, 2 - interaryepiglottic hollow, 3 - vocal cords, 4 - folds of the laryngeal vestibule.


Endoscopy image of larynx
Aquied undercord stenosis
(narrowing of respiratory tract)

The thickness of respiratory tracts is decreased, resistance of air grows. Inflammation, edema, spasm, presence of inflammatory exudation of respiratory tracts are the basic links of pathogenesis, which result in violation of breathing, hypoxia, hypercapnia. An inflammatory process can spread on a trachea, bronchial tubes.
Clinical classification of acute laryngotracheitis:
I. Type of respiratory viral infection: 1) influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus infection, etc., and 2) ARVI (is specified in the impossibility of clinical interpretation and the absence of express-diagnostics).
II. Degrees of laryngeal stenosis: 1) compensation, 2) incomplete compensation, 3) decompensation, 4) terminal.

Clinic. The characteristic is triad of symptoms: the change of voice, rough, “barking” cough, stenotic breathing. More frequent stenosis laryngitis develops suddenly among night. There are 4 degrees of larynx stenosis.

I degree (compensated stenosis): hoarse of voice, rough “barking” cough, compensated hyperventilation of lungs, рО2 – within the limits of norm.
The ІІ degree (subcompensated stenosis): the child is excited, voice getting hoarse, rough, cough increases, the inciter shortness of breath appears. A skin is  moist, pallor, cyanosis of perioral triangle. Breathing is with participation of auxiliary muscles. Hyperventilation of lungs gradually changes on hypoventilation. Considerable tachycardia, рО2 is not reduced. Metabolic acidosis develops.
The ІІІ degree (decompensated form of stenosis) is the severe state. A child is excited. There are loosened voice, expressed inciter shortness of breath (inspiration is prolonged with stenotic noise). Breathing with participation of all auxiliary muscles. Frequent “barking” unproductive cough. A skin is pale, covered by a cold sweat, considerable cyanosis of nasooral triangle, lips, tongue, nail phalanges. Tones of heart are deaf, tachycardia, decreased arterial preassure, a pulse is frequent, weak. In lungs there is decreased breathing, superficial, is badly listened, sternum is down in. рО2 of arterial blood is reduced, рСО2 is promoted, mixed acidosis develops (metabolic and respiratory).
The ІV degree (asphyxia): a child is in the extraordinarily severe condition, without consciousness. Cyanosis of skin, a pallor develops later. Breathing is superficial, frequent, with the quick stops with next deep inspiration. At auscultation the breathing is not  listened. Tones of heart are deaf, decreased arterial preassure, a pulse is threadlike, later bradycardia, arrhythmia develop, which  precede to the stop of heart. In a blood рСО2considerably grows (to 100 ml Hg and higher) and рО2 considerably goes down (to 40 ml Hg.). The child dies from the asphyxia.

                 Differential diagnosis of real and false croup
                Real croup
              False croup
Acute start
Permanent start
Febril high t°
Subfebril t°
Catarrhal sings are expressed
Catarrhal sings are absent
Skin is moist, cyanotic
Skin is “toxic”, pale
Hyperemia, edema of pharynx

Grey-dirty tapes on tonsils after their scopes

Voice is hoarse

Edema of  subcutaneous tissue is absent
Edema of  subcutaneous tissue of neck
Absence of signs of palate paresis 
Effluence of liquid through a nose

Primary aim of treatment is to pick up thread passage of respiratory tracts and remove hypoxia.
                   Help on prehospital stage
The volume of medical manipulations depends on the degree of stenosis severity.
I degree:
1.             Distracting procedures:
       –warm tender baths, it is possible with mustard
             mustard plasters on a thorax, on an area of laryngs
             at allergy to mustard semialcoholic hot compress on a thorax,
              on the area of neck
              warm alkaline drink: mineral water, tea with 2 %  solution of soda,
                 warm milk
2.             Oxygentherapy:
                     –warm, moistened air
   –soda inhalations.
3.             In children with the allergic reactions – Suprastin orally, in a dose 2 mg
                      per the kg of mass; from 2 years 1 tea-spoon of Claritini in syrup.
4.             Hospitalization in the diagnostic or infectious unit.

ІІ degree.
1.             Intramuscular 2 % solution of Suprastini 2 mg per the kg of mass.
2.             In excitation – 0,5 % solution of Seduxeni (Sibasoni, Relanium) in a
                     dose 0,3-0,5 mg per the kg of mass intramuscular, or 20 % solution
                     of  Oxybutirati sodium in a dose 50 mg per the kg of mass
3.             Distracting procedures:
        – warm tender baths, it is possible with mustard;
        – mustard plasters on a thorax, on an area of laryngs;
              – at allergy to mustard semialcoholic hot compress on a thorax, on the
                   area of neck.
4.                Warm alkaline drink: mineral water, tea with 2 % soda solution, warm
5.                Oxygentherapy:
                    – warm, moistened air;
  – soda inhalations.
6.             Hospitalization in the intensive unit or chamber of intensive therapy for diagnostic or infectious separation.

ІІІ degree.
1.             Sucking of mucus from a mouth cavity, respiratory tracts;
2.             Oxygentherapy: warm, moistened air through a mask;
3.             0,5 % solution of Seduxeni (Sibasoni, Relanium) in a dose 0,3-0,5 mg
                     per the kg of mass intramuscular, or 20 % solution of Oxybutirati
                     sodium in a dose 50 mg per the kg of mass intramuscular;
4.             Hydrocortisoni intramuscular in a dose 5 mg per the kg of mass or 3 %
                     solution of Prednisoloni intravenously in a dose 1 mg/kg of mass.
5.             Distracting procedures:
           – mustard plasters on a thorax, on an area of laryngs;
           – at allergy to mustard semialcoholic hot compress on a thorax,
              on the area of neck.
6.             Oxygentherapy through a mask.
7.             Hospitalization in the intensive unit of child's hospital.

ІV degree.
1.             Sucking of mucus from the cavity of mouth, respiratory tracts.
2.             Oxygentherapy through a mask, aerotherapy with the warm moistened
3.             Intravenously streamly 3 % solution of Prednisoloni in a dose 1-2 mg
                     per the kg of mass of body.
4.             Intravenously streamly 10 % solution of Calcium gluconatis in a dose 1
                    ml per the year of life.
5.             At departure on the call of the specialized brigade and equipped
                       ambulance the intubation of patient.
6.             Hospitalization in the intensive unit of child's hospital.

                             Help on a hospital stage
Permanent observation of a patient who is hospitalized, the unit must be equipped by the inhalators of the «fog» type, ІP-2 and others, by oxygen tents, in which the proper microclimate is created (temperature 30 0C, moisture 100 %, 40-50 % oxygen).
I degree.
1.         Inhalations by the moistened 40 % oxygen, oxygen is possible to skip
                    through Bobrov apparatus, through the water extract of camomile, clary,
                    infusion of  eucalyptus, 2 % alkaline solution. Treatment in a oxygen tent
                    2-3 times per day.

Apparatus Bobrov 1l (plastic cover with thread, needle, syringe)
Depending on the modification Bobrov apparatus may be used for puncture of the pleural cavity or for moistening of oxygen.

Oxygen tent for babies and young children (up to 3 years) is used in maternity hospitals and children's hospitals for oxygen therapy procedures.

Oxygen therapy in the oxygent tent.

2.          Salt-alkaline inhalations or inhalations of such composition:
           – 5 % solution of ascorbic acid – 5,0;
           – 5 % solution of Ephedrine  – 1,0;
                 –0,1 % solution of Adrenalin  – 1,0;
                 –Hydrocortisoni 25 mg;
                 –3% solution of sodium hydrocarbonatis 6,0.
On inhalation - 4 ml of solution. In the first 2 days inhalations are done 4
times per day, on 3th day – 3 times, on 4-6th days – 1-2 times per day.
3.         Distracting therapy: mustard plasters on a thorax, tender baths, ozocerite
                    or paraphine “knee-boots”, warm drink.
4.         Sucking of mucus.

ІІ degree.
1.             At the protracted stenosis there is direct laryngoscopy for diagnostics of
                       inflammatory process, sucking of mucus (clearning of tracheobronchial
                       tree and larynx);
2.             Protracted inhalations of warm, moistened air, stream through mask or
                      under framework which covers a bed, in which a patient is (moisture to
                       90-100 %, temperature to 26-30 0С)  for 3-4 hours; oxygen tent.


Oxygen therapy through a mask.

3.             Inhalations with the medicine mixture:
1)            5 % solution of Ephedrine – 0,5 (1) ml,   Hydrocortisone 12,5 (25) mg,
                 1 % Dimedroli solution – 0,5 (1) ml, 0,5 % solution of sodium  chloride
                 – 3-4 ml (in handles there are  the indicated doses for children more
                    senior than 1 year old),
2)             antiedema mixture: 5 % solution of Ephedrine  1,0; 0,1 % solution of
                   Adrenalini 1,0; 0,1 % solution of sulfate Atropine  – 0,5; 1 % solution
                   of Dimedroli - 1,0; 2,5 % solution of Pipolpheni 1,0; Hydrocortisoni
                  25 mg; Hymotripsini 2 mg in 1 ml of liquids; 5 % solution of ascorbic
                  acid – 5,0. On one inhalation 4 ml of mixtures are used.


 Stream inhalator

4.             At the excitation 20 % solution of  Oxybutiratis sodium  intravenously
                      streamly slowly in a dose 50 mg per the kg of mass.
5.             2,4 % solution of Euphyllini intravenously streamly slowly in a dose
                   1 ml per the year of life on 10 % glucose solution.
6.             Intravenously in drops 10 % Glucose solution , 0,9 % solution of sodium
                     chloride (in the ratio 3:1) + 5 % solution of ascorbic acid – 1-2 ml,
                    Cocarboxilazae 5 mg per the kg of mass; 15-20 drops in 1 minute.
7.             Distracting therapy: mustard plasters on a thorax, tender baths, ozocerite
                      or paraphine “knee-boots”.

ІІІ degree.
            1.  Hospitalization in intensive unit.
            2.   Inhalation therapy in oxygen tent, 4-6 inhalations per day.
            3. 20 % solution of Oxybutiratis sodium  intravenously streamly slowly in a
            dose 50 mg per   the kg of mass; in 3-4 hours – 0,25 % solution of
            Droperidoli 0,3-0,5 ml/kg of mass.
           4. Direct laryngoscopy for diagnostics of inflammatory process, clearning
             of larynx, respiratory tract.
           5. 3 % solution of Prednisoloni intravenously streamly in a dose 2-3 mg per
              the kg of mass.
           6. Inhalations to the aerosol: 0,1 % solution of Adrenalini 0,5-1 ml per
             3 ml of isotonic solution of sodium chloride together with oxygen
             during 5-10 minutes; with a antiedema mixture.


Dummy- inhalator that is compatible with standard sockets inhalator supply gas or mixed medication to the nose of the child. Dummy is reusable, capable of being sterilized by standard autoclaving or disinfectants.

Inhaler ultrasound MUSSON-1   for spray inhalations

          8. 2,4 % solution of Euphyllini intravenously streamly slowly in a dose 1
                ml per the year of life on 5-10 ml of  0,9 % isotonic solution.
           9. Intravenously in  drops (20-25 drops for a minute) 10 % solution of
           Glucose, 10-20 % solution of Albumini or similar group Plasma in a
           dose 5-10 ml on the kg of mass of body; Reopoliglucini in a dose 10 ml
           on the kg of mass of body, correlation of glucose to the salt and colloid
           solutions 2:1. Common amount of liquid is a 30-50 ml/kg of mass
           10. 4 % solution of Hydrocortisoni 4-8 ml per the kg of mass intravenously
            in  drops, in 2 injections under the control of acid- alkaloid balance.
            11. 10 % solution of Calcium gluconatis intravenously streamly slowly in a
               dose 1 ml per the year of life.
            12. Antibiotics:
1)    Cephalosporins: Duracef (Cefadroxil), suspensia 50 mg per the kg of mass per  day for 2 receptions in interval 12 hours; Kefsoli 75-100 mg/kg of  the masses per day for 2 receptions intramuscular;
2)    Macrolides: suspensia of Macropeni  a 50 mg/kg of  mass per day in 2 receptions, summamed a 10 mg/kg of  mass per  day.
            13. Indication to intubation: hypoxemia (рО2 below 50 mm Hg) with
         concentration of oxygen during inspiration higher 50 %; hypercapnia,
          acidosis( рСО2 higher than  55 mm Hg, рН less than 7,35); encreasing
           of  languor, somnolence.

                 Exercise performance intubation on a mannequin (a modern
                technique with using a laryngoscope).

IV degree.
1.             Intubation with soon artificial breathing. Advantage it to give
                       nasotracheal intubation, as to more sparing and simple method.
2.             Clearning of respiratory tract with the use of warm isotonic solution with
                       hydrocortisoni, euphyllini; 1 % by solution of hydrocarbonatis,
                       antibiotics of wide-spread action (a few times per days);
3.             Oxygentherapy with moistened oxygen.

Ventilator Vent201, created by the most modern technologies, provides high quality ventilation and provides an easy transition from noninvasive to invasive ventilation.

Ventilation, neuro-controlled respiratory support (NAVA) Servo-I (Maquet). Allows you to maintain respiratory activity of the patient using his own neuro impulses.

4.             3 % solution of prednisoloni intravenously streamly in a dose of  3-5 mg
                      per the kg of mass or hydrocortisoni intravenously in drops (15-30
                      drops in 1 minute) in a dose 15-20 mg per the kg of mass on 100-150
                      ml 0,9 % sodium chloride solution.
5.             Intravenously in drops 10 % solution of glucose, 0,9 % sodium chloride
                      solution, Reopoliglucini in a dose of 10 ml per  the kg of mass.
                     Correlation of glucose and salt solutions to the children upto 1 year old
                     is 3:1 or 4:1, from 1 to 2 - 1:1. Fresh-frozen plasma in a dose 10 ml per
                     the kg of mass. Common amount of liquid is 40-50 ml per kg of mass
                     daily. To conduct infusion therapy 2 times per day.
6.             With   infusion solutions intravenously enter 5 % solution of ascorbic
                     acid 1-2 ml, 10 % solution of chloride calcium  1 ml per the year of life,
                     Cocarboxilazae in a dose of  5 ml per  the kg of mass.
7.             Symptomatic therapy.
8.             Dynamic observation of paediatrician, reanimatologist, otolaryngologist.
9.      Determination of рО2, рСО2, ЕCG.

In all stages of stenosis must be indicated:
1.             Antienfluenza gamma-globulini in 1 dose till 1 year; 2 doses till 3 years,                                               3 doses to the children more senior then 3 years.
2.             Observation for the exception of diphtheria (stroke from a nose and                  pharynx).
3.             Consultation of otolaryngologist.
4.             At saving of swallowing- warm alkaline drink (mineral water, flora tea               with 2 % soda solution ), milk.

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